2018-19 Football

Allen Gidner
Football Commissioner
Email:  for questions regarding the LC35AC Football League.

Ted Carr & Todd Kuhlman
Wreck Football (formerly Legends) Commissioner

Congratulations to the 2018 Super Bowl Winners!

2018-19 Super Bowl Champs – Ravens

2018-19 Super Bowl Champs – RAVENS
Back (L to R) Chad Taylor, Jonathan Cullum, Kenneth West, Steve Johns, Dan Watts, Neil Tillman
Front (L to R) Frank Ortega, Andrew Bell, Greg Otholt (QB)

2018-19 Legends Super Bowl Champs – Eagles

2018-9 Legends Champs – Eagles
Back (L to R) Chris Rager, Jerry Adams, Dan Watts, Mike Montano, Mark Weisinger, Mike Yasumatsu
Front (L to R): Bruce Raphaelson, Curt Burns (QB)
Not pictured: John Mitchell, Nick DeFilippis