2012-13 Football

Allen Gidner
Football Commissioner
Email:  for questions regarding the LC35AC Football League.

Ted Carr & Todd Kuhlman
Wreck Football (formerly Legends) Commissioner

Congratulations to the 2012 Super Bowl Winners!

2012-13 Super Bowl Champs – Bears
2012-13 LC35 Football Super Bowl Champions - Bears

Team Photo (L to R) front row: Darrel Calipo, Gary Potts, Preston Bynes (QB), Brandon Linster
back row: John Prahovic, Chris West, Adam Elovitz, Jim Esh Not shown: Mike Gonzales

2012-13 Legends Super Bowl Champs – Bearcats
2012-13 LC35 Legends Football Super Bowl Champions - Bearcats

2013 Legends Champion – Bearcats
left to right: Mike Yasumatsu, Jeff Frantz, John Page, Jim Simcoe, Mike Wynn, Craig “Chopper” Jotronich, Clay Brown, Mark Weisinger. Not present is Al McGhee