2017-18 Football

Allen Gidner
Football Commissioner
Email:  for questions regarding the LC35AC Football League.

Ted Carr & Todd Kuhlman
Wreck Football (formerly Legends) Commissioner

Congratulations to the 2017 Super Bowl Winners!

2017-18 Super Bowl Champs – Bengals
2017-18 LC35 Football Super Bowl Champions - Bengals

2017-18 Super Bowl Champs – BENGALS
(l to r): David Briere, Chris Martin, Phil Mulloy, Shan Forehand, Jeff Woods (QB), Jim McGhee, Drew Burks, & Brad Coutin. Not Pictured: Mike Gonzalez.

2017-18 Legends Super Bowl Champs – Bears
2017-18 LC35 Legends Football Super Bowl Champions - Bears

2017-18 Legends Football Champions – BEARS
Back (L to R) Steve Rangel, Gary Markhart, Gary Krymer, Al McGhee, Nick DeFilippis, & Chris Rager.
Front (L to R) Ross Shaffer, Curt Burns, Mike Yasumatsu, Daryl Wasano