Summer Softball

Summer Softball 2023

(Runs March to August)

2024 Softball Schedule(Tourney Machine)

LC35 is using an external site for brackets and schedules. Once in this site, click on “Divisions” and it will show you brackets and schedule. You can also follow your team(s) by clicking on the “Teams” link, find your team and click “Follow”. This will display the immediate schedule for your team. Any questions see your manager or commissioner.

League Contacts

Steve Collo
Commissioner Elvis Division (Age 45+)
Email:  for questions regarding the Elvis Division

Randy Cox
Commissioner Hotel California Division (Age 35+)
Email:  for questions concerning the Hotel California Division

Want to Play Softball? Join LC35 Today!

Be a part of the best men’s club in Southern California. Play sports year-round, meet great people, and enjoy family Sunday’s at Stagecoach Park!

Summer Softball Sponsors

Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events at this time

Past Softball Seasons